How to do Takeoff In Construction?

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June 4, 2024
Takeoff Software
How to do Takeoff In Construction?

As they say in construction, everything starts with a takeoff.  Quantity takeoffs lays the foundation for cost estimating, resource planning and ultimately, project execution. 

But doing takeoffs the old way has its own set of challenges. It involves spending hours on reading hundreds of complex plans and making adjustments as and when new drawings come in. On top of that, contractors are always under pressure to get the quote out of the door faster, leaving little time to refine  their estimates or scope the project in more detail. 

Advanced technology offers digital tools that can significantly improve the takeoff process. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of how to do takeoff in construction to ensure efficiency while you bid and profitability while you execute your projects.  Let’s start with the basics

What is a Construction Takeoff?

In construction, “takeoff” represents taking off each material required for completing the projects. This includes detailed quantification of all the materials like rebar, lumber, concrete, ductwork, piping, asphalt, etc. The takeoff serves  as a foundation for accurate cost estimating, resource planning, and project evaluation. Without an accurate takeoff, contractors risk facing costly overruns, material shortages, and delays that can jeopardize the whole project. 

Why is a Construction Takeoff Important? 

An accurate takeoff is an indispensable part of any successful construction project.  Its importance cannot be overstated as it lays the groundwork for numerous critical aspects of the construction process. Here are some key reasons why construction take offs are essential. 

1. Accurate Cost Estimation and Bidding

One of the primary purposes of a construction takeoff is to provide the necessary data for precise cost estimation. By meticulously quantifying materials needed, contractors can generate accurate estimates that reflect the true costs of the project. This enables them to submit competitive bids that are neither too high nor too low, increasing their chances of winning contracts while maintaining profitability.

2. Efficient Resource Planning and Procurement 

Takeoffs serve as the foundation for effective resource planning and procurement. Detailed takeoffs give insights about the exact amount of materials needed for the project. This enables them to plan for resource procurement and avoid any costly delays or disruptions due to material shortage. 

3. Risk Mitigation

Early identification of risks is crucial in construction projects. Takeoffs involve a comprehensive analysis of material requirements. This detailed examination helps to uncover potential risks such as material shortages, labor constraints, supply chain problems, or logistical issues. Contractors can develop mitigation strategies and address issues before they escalate into larger problems. 

4. Value Engineering 

Every project owner wants to get the most value out of the project. Takeoffs provide a detailed material and cost breakdown, allowing contractors to explore alternative materials, methods, or even design tweaks. This value engineering approach helps to optimize costs without sacrificing quality or functionality, keeping the project budget on track. 

5. Client Relationships

Transparency is key to building strong client relationships. Takeoffs provide the data to show your clients exactly what they're paying for, from materials to labor. This clear communication fosters trust and demonstrates your commitment to delivering projects as promised, paving the way for long-term partnerships.

Who Does a Takeoff?

The responsibility of performing construction takeoffs typically falls on the shoulders of Estimators and/or Project Managers working in a Construction Company. These are construction professionals specializing in cost estimation and analysis.

What Information Does a Takeoff Include?

A comprehensive construction takeoff includes a detailed quantification of various components that go into completing the project, including but not limited to:

1. Materials: A comprehensive list of materials such as concrete, steel, wood, bricks, roofing, insulation, drywall, and finishes.

2. Quantities: The exact amount of each material required, measured in appropriate units (linear feet, square yards, cubic meters etc.).

3. Waste Factor: A percentage added to account for material waste during construction due to cutting, breakage, or unforeseen conditions.

How to Prepare for Construction Takeoff?

Proper preparation is essential for conducting an accurate and efficient construction takeoff. Estimators typically follow these steps: 

1. Gather Project Documents

Collect all the essential project documents -  plans, specifications, and any supplementary documents or addenda to get a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements.

2. Review Project Scope

The next step is to thoroughly review and understand the project scope, materials, and specific requirements. The more familiar you are with the project, the more accurate your takeoff will be.

3. Organize Workspace

Set up a dedicated workspace and gather the necessary tools, such as scales, measuring devices, calculators, or specialized takeoff software.

4. Coordinate with Stakeholders

Communicate with project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, and contractors, to clarify any ambiguities or address potential issues before starting the takeoff process.

Step-by-Step Takeoff Process

There are two main approaches to the takeoff process: the traditional manual method and the modern way of leveraging a digital takeoff software. We will delve into each method in detail. 

Manual Takeoff

Traditionally, takeoffs were performed manually, involving the use of paper plans, rulers, and calculators. While this method is still employed in some cases, it is time-consuming and prone to errors. This method of performing a construction takeoff involves the following steps:

  • Review Plans and Drawings: Carefully study architectural plans, elevations, sections, and detailed drawings to identify and understand project scope and objectives.

  • Measure and Quantify: Use scales, rulers, and calculators to manually measure and quantify materials, labor, and equipment requirements from the plans and drawings. It is pivotal to categorize the materials from specific trades to avoid any error.

  • Document Quantities: Record the measured quantities in an organized manner, either on paper or in a spreadsheet, ensuring clear labeling and categorization. Make sure to review the takeoff calculation and quantities to identify and correct any errors or discrepancies. 

Digital Takeoff Software

Technology offers a faster and more efficient alternative to manual takeoffs. Digital takeoff software streamlines the process by digitizing blueprints and providing tools for scaling, measuring, and quantifying materials. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces the time spent on taking off materials. Digital takeoff can also be categorized in two types: 

1. Manual or Semi-automated software takeoff software

These software offers on-screen tools to help estimators scale and calculate material quantities. This helps estimators improve efficiency and reduce time spent on takeoffs. Here are some key benefits of manual/semi-automated digital takeoff software. 

  • Import Digital Plans: They allow for the upload of digital plans and drawings into the takeoff software.
  • Utilize Digital Tools: Provide on-screen measurement tools, scaling capabilities, and semi-automated calculations to quantify materials and components.
  • Collaborate and Share: Leverage features for team collaboration, version control, and seamless integration with estimating software.

2. AI-powered Takeoff Software

It takes things a step further by utilizing artificial intelligence to automatically identify and quantify materials directly from your digital plans. This significantly reduces the time spent on takeoffs – instead of manually clicking and dragging tools, AI takeoff tools like Beam AI analyze the plans and generate quantities automatically. Estimators can then review the AI-generated takeoff and make any necessary adjustments or corrections. 

Here’s how you can get takeoff done in 3 simple clicks with Beam AI: 

  • Upload Plans: Upload your digital construction plans
  • Select Scope of Work: Choose the specific scope of work or trade(s) you need to take off, such as concrete, electrical, or plumbing.
  • Hit Proceed: Beam AI's AI will analyze your plans and automatically generate a detailed takeoff with quantities for each material.

By leveraging AI technology like Beam AI, contractors can shift focus towards aligning with the customer requirements rather than spending hours on takeoffs. This will also allow them to send out up to 30% more bids, while always being the first quote out. . 

What Makes a Successful Takeoff?

Whether performed manually, using manual/semi-automated software, or by leveraging AI-powered software, a well-executed takeoff lays the foundation for a successful construction project. A successful takeoff has several key elements, here’s how you can judge the efficiency of your takeoff process. 

1. Attention to Detail

A single error can have a ripple effect on your project. Meticulous attention to detail is crucial to ensure that no components or requirements are overlooked or miscalculated. Double-checking calculations and ensuring all materials are accounted for is paramount.

2. Clear Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration among project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors, help identify and resolve any ambiguities or discrepancies.

3. Utilization of Technology

Takeoff takes anywhere around 30-50% of time in the bidding cycle. Leveraging technology like Beam AI’s takeoff software can significantly enhance efficiency and allows time to focus on refining estimates and building relationships with the clients. Therefore, it is a smart move to invest in technology for better results in the takeoff process. 

4. Continuous Learning and Improvement

Lastly, it is essential to stay updated with industry trends, emerging technologies, and adapting with the market trends for maintaining efficiency. A through understanding of the construction processes, materials, and industry best practices allows for accurate interpretation of plans and specifications. 

The Bottom Line

So now you know how to approach takeoffs in construction, and what it takes to ensure accurate and comprehensive quantification. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing technology and staying ahead of the curve will be crucial. AI- based digital takeoff solutions offer a path to enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration, empowering construction professionals to deliver exceptional results consistently. The time to embrace the digital revolution in construction takeoffs is now - Book a demo to see how Beam AI can help you streamline your takeoff process. 

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